
Cell phones are everywhere nowadays. It seems that every piece of trash that can scrape together $30 or so has one. Not only do they have them, but they talk on them all the time. It is so annoying. In restaurants, they set their ringtones so loud that you can hear them from across the restaurant. And when they finally answer the obnoxious thing, they yell at whatever moron called them like they have to scream whatever they're saying to the person in order for them to hear. Even more annoying is the stupid little 2-way radios that these jackasses have. I'm not just talking about EMT's and firemen (they're jackasses too though) but morons who have phones that act like 2-way radios. They make this vulgar beeping sound and then the moron on the other end proceeds to talk at about 10 dB.

The thing we hate most about cell phones is that people talk on them while driving. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if most people were smart enough to do this. But the sad truth is that they just aren't. Hell, most of these people don't deserve to be driving in the first place. Then you throw a cell phone on top of that? They use one hand to hold the cell phone and the other hand to emote or give directions to whoever called them. And where are they looking? Everywhere but the road. Honestly, these people are just as bad or worse than drunk drivers.

The really sad thing about the whole situation is that no one seems to care. No one cares that these morons are chatting away at obscene volumes and even endangering our lives. To see just how careless our society has become, we decided to do a little experiment. It's called the Bananna Cellphone Experiment (or BCE for short).

On a recent road trip, one of our staff members started thinking about cell phones and how it has become so commonplace to glance over and see someone talking on one. Then he realized that there was a bananna in the seat next to him. The project was born.

For over a hundred miles along a crowded interstate, the researcher took his own life into his hands and drove with a bananna pressed against his ear while speaking into it and making gestures with his other hand whenever next to another car. Why? Just to see if anyone would notice. Out of the hundreds of cars that passed by, only a handful even glanced his way. Out of that handful, only two or three even looked directly at him. Of those two or three, none of them seemed to care. In fact, one of them looked at him like "oh...yes...bananna cell phone...big woop". So, in short, no...our society does not care.

So, continue talking on your cell phones. Keep going to the movies and restaurants with them. Keep driving down the streets with them. But you should really look into buying an earpiece. We use one. They're great. It lets you have one hand to emote with and the other to change your cd's with.

staff out...

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