Revenge of the Sith 05/20/05 |
Yesterday, US theaters opened to the sounds of thousands, nay, millions of nerds stampeding toward the box office. Yes, it's time for Revenge of the Sith!
So, how was it? It was awesome! But, I'm sure that no matter how great it is, one segment of geeks will always say that it sucked. This is also the same group that downloaded the movie before it came out, went at midnight on opening day, has already watched the movie at the theaters a minimum of three times as of this writing and will buy the DVD the very second it hits the shelves. As far as the storyline goes, there is absolutely no reason to complain. There's plenty of action, only a few small romantic scenes and virtually no Jar Jar!
One of the only things that I don't like is how everyone insists on calling it "Episode III". Do we call Return of the Jedi "Episode VI"? Hell no! It's Return of the Jedi, or in some circles of geekdom, just Jedi! So why "Episode III"? Well, when Phantom Menace was first advertised, they called it Episode I. I guess this was to let people know that it was supposed to happen before A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Well, most true fans already knew that, but there were a few sixth graders out there whose money Lucas wanted.
Episode I - "OK, so this one came first."
Episode II - "We get it. This is already getting old."
Episode III - ::shakes head and flips off Lucasfilms:: "We know how to count."
The only other problem with the movie is that Hayden Christensen has about the same personality and acting skills as Keanu Reeves or a block of wood.
Anyway, if you just call it Revenge of the Sith, like God wants you to (Republican strategy), then you'll be fine. This movie is without a doubt the best of the first half (or third if Lucas decides to make parts 7-9) of the epic space saga.
By the way, did anyone notice exactly how much Palpatine looks like the new Pope (um, before the emperor gets shitfaced, that is)? Maybe they should call him Papaltine. Hmm... Further investigation required.
staff out...
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