
How do you do I
See you've met my

If that made any sense to you, then you're already a fan of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. If not, then there's no better time to become a fan than this week (what with Halloween and all).

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the world's most famous musical about transvestites from a different planet that creates their own man, aside from 1992's "A League of Their Own". Originally released in 1975, RHPS is one of the world's most easily recognizable movies. It stars Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Brian Bostwick and even Meatloaf! How much better could it be? Here is the blurb from imdb.com.

After Janet accepts Brad's marriage proposal, the happy couple drive away from Denton, Ohio, only to get lost in the rain. They stumble upon the castle of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a transvestite who is holding the annual convention of visitors from the planet Transsexual. Frank-N-Furter unveils his creation, a young man named Rocky Horror, who fears the doctor and rejects his sexual advances. When Frank-N-Furter announces that he is returning to the galaxy Transylvania, Riff Raff the butler and Magenta the maid declare that they have plans of their own.

RHPS is traditionally shown at midnight because when it was first shown in theaters, it was shown at the midnight shows. At first it bombed. Then, people started singing some of the songs before the show to warm up the crowd. This caught on pretty quickly. Later, people started talking back to the movie. This caused riotous laughter, and a new tradition was born. Still after that, people began acting out the movie on a stage while the movie was playing. And of course the use of props was the next step in the film's evolution.

Now, almost 30 years after the film's original release, audiences still view it in droves. For example, over a thousand people showed up to the DragonCon viewing. But, it is best enjoyed with a smaller audience. For all you virgins out there ("virgin" is the term of choice for a person who has never experienced RHPS), the reason why RHPS is so popular is because you make fun of the entire movie. It's kind of like Mystery Science Theater 3000. But unlike MST3K, the entire audience makes fun because they've pretty much memorized the entire script, plus there is the use of props. People also like to dress the part for this movie. It helps you to get the full experience.

There are standard audience participation (AP) scripts available online which tell you what to say and when to say it, but they can vary from region to region and week to week. It's best to stick to some of the tried and true lines, adding just a hint of originality when an opportune moment strikes. But, if you're a virgin, just chime in with the asshole/slut/neck jokes and you'll be fine.

As for the props, well...throw rice during the wedding scene when everyone else throws rice. Cover your head with a newspaper during the rain scene. You'd better do that because there could be people there with water guns simulating the rain. Turn on a flashlight (or use a lighter, if the theater will let you) during the song There's a Light. Throw toast during the toast. Throw cards when Tim Curry sings "cards for sorrow, cards for pain". There are other prop moments too, but you'll have to find those out for yourself.

If you're planning on throwing a RHPS party this year, here is a pamphlet you can download and/or use as invitations. We created them and they're pretty informative. All you have to do is print it out and fold it.

Remember, cross-dressing is optional, but encouraged.

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